Icarus in the test: Innovative idea with serious problems
Kid Icarus (Jap. 光 神話 の, Hikaru China: Poona No Kauai, German. Light mythos: Patents mirror ) is a video clip game collection of Nintendo playing in a dream globe that relates components from Greek antiquity. The very first game, Kid Icarus, appeared in 1986/1987 for the AMISOM Disk System/ Nintendo Amusement System, the second, Child Icarus: from Misconceptions as well as Monsters, 1991/1992 for the Game Child. With Child Icarus: Uprising appeared in 2012 the 3rd part of the collection for the Nintendo 3DS series.
Survival games are now like sand by the sea. But in the last few weeks, a new star at the firmament has conquered the Steam charts in the storm. Icarus is the latest prank of the Haymaker Dean Hall. He uses a unique session-based game principle. But it succeeds in reproducing the success of the Zombie game Day, or will Icarus be burned on the sun and crashing into the sea of insignificance?
The Planet Wolf 1061CA is just four light years away from our solar system. He is at first glance strong of our own earth. So it's no wonder trying to populate him.
But as so often people are too greedy. A Terraform project runs out of the rudder and transforms the planet into a poison ball. The now dead celestial body receives the name Icarus.
Only a small group of larcenous rogue dares regularly on the surface and brings exotic materials back to the orbital station. Actually, it sounds like a lot of potential in this story, but unfortunately she plays a maximum of a supporting role.
After all, the atmosphere fits and as framework for the gameplay, the narrative already likes. And gameplay is then much more focused.
Table of Contents
- Page 1icarus in the test: Innovative idea with serious problems, page 1
- 1.1survival for hard-minded?
- 1.2Learning by dying
3. 1.3ICARUS — Fresh wind for the genre?
4. 1.4Solo player must suffer twice
2. Page 2iCarus in the test: Innovative idea with serious problems, page 2
1. 2nd optics
3rd page 3 picture gallery too Icarus in the test: innovative idea with serious problems
Survival for hard gotten?
The combat system is mainly built on critical hits. The right hit zone to catch, is not that easy. Source: PC Games Icarus is a hardcore survival game and that conveys us from the beginning. After our room capsule has discontinued on the surface, we follow the genre-typical hunter and collector principle.
But when we want to make the first tree, it bangs us on the head, and we race first with a juicy bruise through the area. Shortly thereafter, we come across the first wolf who tears us directly into pieces. At the latest now is clear: Icarus says that with the survival really serious.
Another thing that stands out right at the beginning is unfortunately miserable German translation. Partly it is missing completely. In other places you simply translated literally. Thus, when sneaking, the English word hidden is translated with closeness and in the menu the word escape with flee.
That's too bad. If you are not powerful to the English language, you will probably get problems sooner or later.
After the first understanding difficulties, we find ourselves in a kind of tutorial again. This is very rudimentary and explains only the essential basics. Due to the incorrect translation and partly narrow explanations we sometimes do not know what some items are good for. This can cost important research points that we get with every level of levels.
There is no scenery for game mechanics. After digesting this first shock, you realize that Icarus but also his good sides.
Learning by dying
The card is held rudimentary and must be discovered by us in every mission. Source: PC Games and that, though it is pretty nice to us. The game tries to kill us on all sorts of ways and ways. This starts with the poisonous atmosphere and does not end with the wild wolf's cracks.
There are also rebuffs that make us properly. If, for example, a wolf attacks us, there is a chance that he passes us permanent wounds. They ensure that we have a greatly reduced regeneration.
At base construction we kept it simple. As everything else in Icarus, she disappears and must be rebuilt in the next mission. Source: PC Games These wounds we have to try with a Gallicize to get rid of the effect. But there are also temporary effects that keep us life. These include, for example, parasites when drinking impure water. According to the principle of learning by dying, the painful experience makes us more and more competent.
However, there are also positive buffs. With food, we can improve our own skills. We get other bonuses, depending on what we eat. A balanced diet is therefore very important in Icarus.
With the reach of the Midgames, it goes up so slowly. The versatile talent tree and unlocking better tools and weapons make it easier for us to survive in the brutal wilderness.
Icarus — Fresh wind for the genre?
Caution! Predators can destroy structures in Icarus as well as storms. Therefore, you should always be on the hat from uninvited guests. Source: PC Games Icarus makes a lot different from other genre representatives. Because the game is as mentioned as a session-based. What does that mean? In numerous missions we do different tasks. We explore the planet and collect exotic materials. Each mission has a time limit. However, this includes several real-time days and is therefore very kind.
Not kindly kind: After each mission we have to start completely from the beginning. After the successful completion, we return to the orbital station and receive some money as a reward.
However, we lose all items that we carry with us. Although we can buy items with the money received, which will be preserved to us. However, that will be really relevant only in the later gameplay.
Otherwise, only our level is retained. This system can be really frustrating at the beginning. Although we are routine lover time and work out the progress from the previous mission faster. Nevertheless, however, it is particularly evident in the production of complex tools forever to reproduce progress from the last mission.
This session-based system brings more problems with it. The base construction is only a means of purpose. Unguard we only need to sleep and to place various tools there. A real bond to our home or even the desire to make you as nice as possible, we do not have. Because at the end of the day you too will disappear from the planet and must be rebuilt at our next landing.
Solo player must suffer twice
All these problems are strengthened if we fall into the adventure in the single player in our rescue capsule. For, although the developers write to the flag that one can play Icarus super gut alone, reality looks different.
Continue on page 2!
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Especially in the wide Arctic we are aware of how small we are actually relative to the gigantic mountains. Icarus is visually impressive. [Source: PC Games]
From Marc Schmidt author & Lukas Schmidt Editorial manager 17.12.2021 at 10:00
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