Wow: New Sylvanas Cinematic explains what everyone wanted to know

Blizzard has published a new Cinematic World of Warcraft. It's about Sylvan as — and finally many puzzles are solved.

Law unexpectedly Blizzard suddenly released a new Cinematic, the player in Patch 9.2 to see. Little is surprising about Sylvan's wind runners — and some pretty dramatic moments from their lives. You can already watch the Cinematic here.

SYLVANAS 2.0! Asmongold Reacts to HUGE WoW Cinematic

Spoiler warning : The video contains important details on the history of patch 9.2. If you do not want to see that, you should not click the video and do not read more.

Where does the cinematic? The cinematic comes from PTR to Patch 9.2 and is therefore part of the story of action in patch 9.2. That the Cinematic can be seen now, however, is not a bug, but intention and was announced by Blizzard. The video offers context so that the quests to be tested on the PTR also make sense.

What to see in the video? The Cinematic shows Sylvan as according to the events of Patch 9.1. It is located after the fight in Tribes in the violence of the other characters — so Maine, Thrall, Jain and Bolivar. Other is also present. It will advise on how to proceed with the former Banshee Queen.

Other explains that Sylvan as' soul was fragmented and transparently there is a permanent conflict. The two fragments of your soul are in the dispute and the rest of the elf can not accept what has become out of it — first does not recognize that. Sylvan as kneels in her vision itself as a Woodhull generation in even form before the fire of Teldrassil and watches himself as she gives the order — again and again.

The heroes consider whether they should awaken Sylvan as at all. Above all, Jain and Maine believe that Sylvan as should never wake up again — after all, she is responsible for so much suffering, including the transformation of Indoor Wynn.

However, Other recognizes that Sylvan as had to go through a very similar suffering as he himself — and rebuilds a connection to her again. In a conversation he ensures that Sylvan as acknowledges their own deeds. He also warns her that she may never find forgiveness and do not forgive her deeds. But the only thing that would be more unforgivable would be nothing to do.

Much time flies — before Sylvan as opens her eyes. This explains why it is in patch 9.2 with the game.

What do you think about this Cinematic? Do you like the story of Sylvan as and how to continue to be continued? Or should the Banshee have been destroying the lifestyles?
